About Us

Providing Personalized Virtual Assistant Services for Busy Professionals

Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

My First Assistant is a virtual assistant company that helps busy professionals delegate tasks to qualified assistants from Latin America. Their services are tailored to increase organization, productivity, and work-life balance for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals who need extra help.

The company provides customized packages starting at 10 hours per week that include dedicated bilingual assistants, project management software, time tracking, and support from their American team. Assistants can help with administrative tasks like email and calendar management as well as specialized services such as online research, ecommerce store management, sales prospecting, and more.

Testimonials highlight how My First Assistant has helped clients launch social media campaigns, expand YouTube audiences, get organized as busy parents, and run small businesses more smoothly. Their friendly, personalized approach aims to match clients with assistants who can provide the specific support needed to thrive personally and professionally.

Experience you need. Results you want.

My First Assistant offers customized monthly plans to provide clients with just the right amount of support. The entry-level plan includes 10 hours per week with a qualified bilingual assistant, vetting and replacements if needed, 5 minute response time, and the ability to cancel anytime.

Higher tiers add more hours, dedicated supervisors, advanced project management features, and detailed time tracking reports. Assistants can help with tasks like email and calendar management, online research, ecommerce store management, social media marketing, administrative projects, finance and taxes, and more.

All plans emphasize organization through project management software.

A key benefit emphasized by My First Assistant is providing personalized support tailored to each client's needs. They highlight specialized skills like social media marketing, YouTube optimization, and small business management. Their assistants receive ongoing training on new technologies to improve their expertise.

Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

Another benefit is the blend of Latin American assistants with an American-based leadership team, which combines cost savings with quality control and cultural understanding. Time tracking and management systems give

clients transparency and ensure productivity.

Finally, their focus on organization through project management tools helps clients fully leverage their virtual assistants. Their testimonials show increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and the ability to focus on higher priorities with delegated tasks.

My First Assistant makes it easy to get started with your own virtual assistant. Their plans range from 10 to 40 hours per week, with pricing starting at just $8.50 per hour. Choose the plan that fits your needs and get matched with a qualified, personalized assistant. Enjoy increased productivity, better work-life balance, and more time focused on your most important priorities. With capable assistants available for administrative tasks, research, social media marketing, and more, you can finally get the help you need to work smarter, not harder.

Sign up today and let My First Assistant handle the details

so you can thrive!

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How to Be More Productive Every Day: 7 Effective Tips

How to Be More Productive Every Day: 7 Effective Tips

September 21, 20238 min read

As the demands of modern life continue to grow, we are all looking for ways to be more productive. Whether we are trying to finish a project at work, start a new business, or simply keep up with our daily chores, finding ways to get things done efficiently and effectively is essential. In this article, we’ll share some simple ways you can be more productive every day.

1. Manage your energy, not your time.

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to be more productive is focusing too much on managing their time. The truth is, time management is important, but managing your energy is even more critical.

The first step to effective time management is to understand that our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Some of us are more productive in the morning, while others are more alert in the afternoon or evening. It is essential to identify when you are most productive and channel your energy into tasks that require the most concentration during those times.

For instance, if you are most alert in the morning, it would be wise to tackle tasks that require focus and attention, such as writing or analysis, during that time. On the other hand, if you feel most productive in the afternoon, you can schedule tasks that require creativity, such as brainstorming or problem-solving. This way, you can make the most of your energy levels and maximize your productivity.

2. Prepare the night before.

One of the best ways to start your day off on the right foot is to prepare the night before. Spend a few minutes each night organizing your to-do list for tomorrow. This helps you to hit the ground running the next morning, saving you time and energy.

Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to reflect on your day and make a list of tasks that need to be accomplished the next day. Prioritize your tasks by ranking them in order of importance. This way, you can wake up with a clear idea of what needs to be done and start your day with purpose.

In addition, preparing for the next day also means taking care of the little things. Lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, and organize your workspace. By doing these things the night before, you eliminate unnecessary decisions and free up mental space for the important tasks of the day.

3. Don’t open email until noon.

Email can be a major distraction that derails your productivity if not managed properly. One simple yet effective way to avoid this is to avoid checking your email until noon. This may seem counterintuitive, but it's a proven way to prioritize your most important tasks and avoid being sidetracked by other people's demands.

By postponing the temptation to dive into your inbox, you give yourself the opportunity to focus on your top priorities and accomplish what truly matters to you. Instead of starting your day by reacting to other people's needs, you can start your day with intention, purpose, and clarity.

Of course, there may be exceptions to this rule, such as urgent emails that require your immediate attention. But for the most part, emails can wait a few hours, and you'll be amazed at how much more productive and efficient you become when you're not constantly checking your inbox.

How to Be More Productive Every Day: 7 Effective Tips

4. Turn your phone off and leave it in another room.

Our smartphones are often a source of constant distraction, preventing us from focusing on the task at hand. To avoid this, try turning off your phone and leaving it in another room while you work. If that’s not possible, at least put it somewhere that is out of sight.

By eliminating the temptation to check social media, text messages, or other notifications, you give yourself the freedom to immerse yourself in your work and achieve a state of flow.

This doesn't mean you have to completely disconnect from your phone or technology altogether. But it does mean being intentional about when and how you use your phone. For example, you can set specific times during the day to check your phone or respond to messages, rather than constantly being pulled away from your work.

5. Work in a Cool Place

Have you ever found yourself struggling to focus on a task because you feel tired or sluggish? If so, it might be time to evaluate the temperature of your workspace. Research has shown that the temperature of your environment can have a significant impact on your cognitive abilities.

When you're in a hot room, your body has to work harder to regulate its temperature, which can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function. On the other hand, being in a cooler environment can help you feel more alert and focused. This is why it's important to work in a cool place if you want to maximize your productivity.

But what exactly is a "cool" temperature? According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the ideal temperature range for most office settings is between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit (20-24 degrees Celsius). This range is based on research that shows people perform best when they're in a temperature-controlled environment that's not too hot or too cold.

If you're not sure if your workspace is at the right temperature, try using a thermometer to measure the temperature in your office. If it's too warm, consider adjusting the thermostat or using a fan to circulate air. If it's too cold, consider wearing an extra layer or using a space heater (if permitted by your employer).

In addition to temperature, it's also important to consider other factors that can impact your comfort and productivity in the workplace. For example, lighting, noise, and ergonomics can all play a role in how you feel and perform at work.

6. Sit up or Stand up

Have you ever found yourself slouching at your desk, feeling tired and uncomfortable? If so, it might be time to consider how your posture is impacting your productivity.

When you sit hunched over, your chest is in a collapsed position and your diaphragm is pressing against the bottom of your lungs. This can make it harder to breathe deeply, which can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function. On the other hand, sitting up straight or standing up can help you breathe more easily and fully, which can improve your brain function and help you concentrate better.

If you're not sure if your posture is correct, try sitting in a chair with your back against the backrest and your feet flat on the floor. Your hips should be level with or slightly higher than your knees, and your shoulders should be relaxed. If you're using a computer, make sure the top of your screen is at eye level, and use a keyboard and mouse that are comfortable and easy to use.

If you find that sitting for long periods of time is uncomfortable or causes pain, consider investing in a standing desk or a desk that can be adjusted to different heights. This can help you change your position throughout the day and reduce the strain on your back, neck, and shoulders.

7. Develop a “pre–game routine” to start your day.

Developing a pre-game routine is an excellent way to set the tone for a productive and successful day. Starting your day with a consistent routine helps to signal to your brain that it’s time to shift into work mode, exercise mode, or whatever mode you need to be in to accomplish your goals.

One simple and effective pre-game routine is to begin your morning by pouring yourself a cold glass of water. This not only helps to hydrate your body after a long night's sleep, but it also gives you a small task to complete right away, which can help to jumpstart your motivation.

Another popular pre-game routine is to incorporate a short meditation session into your morning routine. Taking just ten minutes to quiet your mind and focus on your breath can help to reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and clarity, and set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

Whatever pre-game routine you choose, the key is to make it consistent and repeatable. By establishing a clear sequence of actions that you perform every morning, you can train your brain to automatically shift into the right mindset for the task at hand, whether that's work, exercise, or anything else.

In addition, having a pre-game routine can be a powerful tool for overcoming lack of motivation. When you don't feel like tackling your to-do list, simply starting your pre-game routine can help to get your brain and body moving in the right direction, even if it's just one small step at a time.


Implementing these 7 strategies may not be easy at first, but the benefits are worth it. You'll feel more in control of your time, more focused on your priorities, and less overwhelmed by the demands of modern life. So, take the first step today and reclaim your productivity and well-being.

And if you’re ready to take the next step consider hiring a virtual assistant to improve your efficiency and productivity. Visit our web page for more information.

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